At Ash Grove School safeguarding is of paramount importance to support our young people to engage with their education, home life and social life without concern. We ensure that we are consistent, active and effective in safeguarding our young people and supporting families and staff in safeguarding matters.
As leaders we judge our safeguarding to be effective, with clear procedure, up to date training and the culture of serving the best and safe interests of the child central to our practice. All our staff are trained in child protection procedures and are up to date with KCSIE guidance.
In most circumstances we endeavour to speak to parents and carers regards any safeguarding concerns, however, there may be exceptional circumstances were the school needs to speak to Social Services and/or the police without parental permission; this is in accordance with child protection procedures. We aim to maintain positive relationships with all parents, but we will always act in accordance with procedure and in the best interests of the child.
Key Safeguarding Contacts
Our key safeguarding contacts across the school sites are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead D Herbert
Deputy DSL D Harper
Deputy DSL K Taylor-Valentine, A Briggs (Maternity Cover)
Attendance Officer: J Spencer
Chair of Governors: V Shaw
Safeguarding Link Governor: K Ingham
If anyone has a safeguarding concern regards a child it is always best to contact the school immediately on the contact numbers available. However, we invite concerns to also be submitted using the QR Code under 'Reporting a Safeguarding Concern' at the bottom of the page. This is to be used out of school hours regards safeguarding concerns on our pupils, but must not be used in an emergency.
Visitors to all our sites should sign-in on entry, have appropriate identification, wear a visitor badge with red lanyard and read our Safeguarding Leaflet for Visitors and Contractors prior to entering the building
We have a number of policies and procedures to safeguard our young people and further details can be found in the Safeguarding Policy, with key updates from Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Additionally, please note our latest Staff Safeguarding Bulletins to give insight into our CPD and awareness across our sites and staff.
Local Authority Review
In January 2023 the Local Authority Review on our Safeguarding found the following positive themes:
"Safeguarding continues to be given the highest priority with the expansion of the DSL team increasing capacity and ensuring coverage across the sites"
"Communication in school has strengthened"
"Staff were positive about the Coaching Model of CPD and the Wellbeing Committee"
"Both new and established staff are clear about the processes for raising student safeguarding concerns"
"The work of the DDSLs and the strong relationship with families is evident"
"Partnership working has increased with clear, established links to the Police, Wellbeing in Sport and links to contextual safeguarding e.g., knife crime, gangs"
"CPOMS is facilitating timely reporting, and sharing, of information"