Online Safety
Ash Grove School is committed to keeping our children safe online and developing online safety knowledge across staff, pupils and parents.
As a National College member, with the National Online Safety commitment, we are able to share some of the guides below and the full NOS Platform with all our parents and carers to access courses and guides through the National Online Safety Mobile App:
National Online Safety Mobile App
Simply download the app and sign up as a parent to access the free content and help you protect the children you care about when they’re online.
Please see the useful 'What Parents and Carers Need to Know About' guides on this page.
School Filtering and Monitoring
Ash Grove School understands the importance of keeping pupils safe as they use school technologies in and out of the building. We pride ourselves on adopting two differing and complimentary software's to give the maximum filtering and monitoring of pupils searches and keystrokes online and on the software that they use on all school technological devices.
Securly provides maximum filtering through, a cloud-based web filter with powerful features which helps keep pupils safe. This software gives the school the tools to look into online activity, online searches, download or email reports on particular activity and/or devices and block inappropriate sites instantly.
Smoothwall provides real-time filtering on the web and in software's being used on the school's technologies. Keystrokes that cause alarm or concern are logged in real time, with appropriate blocking of sites, and instant alerts generated and sent by email to the school's safeguarding team and senior leaders to follow up with appropriate action.
CEOP helps keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They help thousands of children and young people every year, as well as their parents and carers who have been in a similar situation. CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying, fake accounts or account hacking.
But, they are here to help and give parents and carers advice, and you can make a report directly to CEOP if you are worried about online sexual abuse or something has happened to your child online which has made either you or your child feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone they know in real life, or someone they have only ever met online.
If you make a report to CEOP about sexual abuse or grooming online it will be read by a Child Protection Advisor who will get in contact with you on the phone number or email address that you provide to talk about what you have reported, to make sure your child is safe and discuss what will happen next.
For more information visit