Ash Grove School is charged with catering for a higher number of pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, as outlined in the SEN Code of Practice (2015), under their broad areas of need in schools;

Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder. (SEN Code of Practice,2015)

To support our young people in this area of need and other areas of need, we combine universal approaches, such as Experiences interventions, emotion coaching, managing feelings programmes, ACEs aware and trauma and attachment informed training, along with more targeted approaches such as  CAMHS and other therapies. Our attitudes to learning programme embedded within our smaller environments and fostered adult/pupil relationships allows for a solid foundation across school for pupils to feel that they are safe, valued and achieving.

The SEN Code of Practice (2015) places a duty on local authorities to publish a local offer, setting out in one place, information about provision available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have SEN or disability. More information on the local offer from Bury can be found here.

Staff at Ash Grove School have a range of experience of working with young people with a range of special educational needs, not just SEMH. These include cognition and learning, communication and interaction and sensory and physical needs. The school has a child centred inclusive approach and students are, on the whole educated in small groups with some interventions on an individual basis. Our extensive CPD Programme for staff has allowed for increased expertise and capacity to successfully provide appropriate SEND provision to meet outcomes for our young people, some examples include;

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Team Teach and Behaviour De-escalation
  • 'Not putting the fame in poor behaviour'
  • 'Unconditional support'
  • Emotion Coaching
  • Reading for Learning
  • Whole School Literacy
  • Trauma and Attachment Informed 

Parent View

At our recent SEND Review by Oak Learning Partnership (April 2023) the parents of SEND pupils at Ash Grove School articulated positive views regards the school and the impact on their children

"Great communication with the SENCO, key adults and the Headteacher"

"Regular contact with school "

"Frequent updates through termly reports and parents evenings"

"Email updates on progress and postcards to celebrate achievements"·

"Can call any time for support and advice"

"Mum and pupil feel safe, despite having been through a lot previously, emotional support and safety is important"

"New enthusiasm for reading and now has a book in her bag"

"My daughter has gone from school refusal to talking about college and traveling to New York!"

For more information please see the links & downloads section on this page or contact Angela Ball, SEN Co-ordinator by telephoning 0161 724 2900 or emailing 

SENDIA Inclusion Award

In January 2024, we start our cross-school work, alongside Oak Learning Partnership to attain the SENDIA Award for the school by 2025.

The SENDIA Award is an Inclusion Mark, helping schools to review their provision for SEND pupils and deliver high-quality education for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. SENDIA is compliant with the SEND Code of Practice.

The framework focusses on removing barriers to learning, through early identification and collaboration, inclusive teaching and leadership, it also guides schools to critically evaluate its impact against pupil outcomes.

We will keeping stakeholders, staff and parents/carers up to date with our progress against the award.