Ash Grove School word posters

Attitudes To Learning

​At Ash Grove School we provide a culture and climate of improved behaviour from our pupils, allowing pupils to respond positively to peers and trusted adults and repair their attitudes to learning.

We are inclusive at our heart and respect that all pupils have different stories and experiences that dictates their behaviours for learning and trust in adults. Through persistence, unconditional regard and a development of our trauma informed practice we help pupils reflect on their attitudes and aspirations for themselves and to embed expectations of what steps are needed to be successful. 

The intent and expectations of the behaviour of our school community at all times centres around:

Respect - Everyone will respect each other, take good care of themselves, the school and wider community, and their property

Responsibility - Everyone will take responsibility for their actions, participate in learning,  be present at school and be punctual

Pride - Everyone will show pride in their work and actions to be the best version of themselves

Pupils can earn achievement points around school for exceptional demonstrations and actions in each of the three qualities