Ash Grove School Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements

Permanent Exclusion

Ash Grove School has a wide range of provision to cater for pupil needs and circumstance and placement purpose. However, our core function is the service for the Local Authority to adhere to their Section 19 responsibility, whereby a pupil has been permanently excluded (PEX) from their mainstream secondary school.

When a pupil is permanently excluded (PEX) from a Bury Secondary School, on the 6th Day of that exclusion, the pupil will become the responsibility of Ash Grove School in terms of their education and safeguarding. Appropriate and available provision will be made by Spring Lane in one of our centres, this will be determined by a number of factors - capacity, age, attainment levels, curriculum, presentation and known associates.

A member of the school's leadership team will be in touch to arrange induction into provision, which will start with a parent/carer meeting. We pride ourselves on collating as much information as we can at induction to inform practice and appropriate curriculum.

Parents and Carers do have the right of appeal for any permanent exclusion (PEX), which involves Governors at their school. Each school has their own process, and guidance around this should be sought from the excluding school. When a PEX is upheld, pupils will transfer onto Ash Grove School roll. 

SEN Consultation

SEN Consultations are received when the Local Authority SEN team are seeking to place a child with an Education Health Care Plan in an appropriate setting, that can meet that child's needs; this is usually when mainstream schools can no longer meet the needs of that young person.

SEN consultations will be considered for pupils that predominantly have SEMH as their primary need.

All SEN Consultations will be responded to within 15 days from receipt, as per the SEND Code of Practice.

Please refer to our SEND page for further information.


The school is funded by the Local Authority to provide Section 19 Day 6 education and to educate those we can meet need for, under an EHC. All funding is drawn from the High Needs Block within the Local Authority.

Our funding formula for each PEX pupil is as follows:
Base rate per pupil (£) + Non-fluctuating top-up per pupil

Our funding formula for each SEN pupil with an EHC is as follows:
Base rate per pupil (£) + Banded top-up based on pupil need

Other funding streams come from Pupil Premium and COVID Grants

The school is funded for 136 places